About The DLSA Khliehriat
• The Court of District and Sessions Judge, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriatcame into existence on
being separated from the Executive on 12thAugust, 2020 and on the red letter day, the bifurcation was
inaugurated by the then Hon’ble the Chief Justice of High Court of Meghalaya, Mr. Justice
BiswanathSomadder. The Court of District and Sessions Judge, at East Jaintia Hills District, comprises of
Hon’ble District & Sessions Judge, Chief Judicial Magistrate and Judicial Magistrate of First Class.
Short Description about DLSA
• The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat is constituted at
the District level under Section 9 of The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
• DLSA functions under the aegis of the Meghalaya state Legal Services Authority (MSLSA) and the National
Legal Services Authority (NALSA).
• It aims to ensure access to justice for all, particularly for marginalized and vulnerable groups in
society. The DLSA provides free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the society
especially to individualswho are a member of a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, women, children, person
with disabilities and others who fulfilled the criteria as described under Section 12 of the Act.
Key functions and objectives
• Provide free legal services and legal assistance to all individuals including jail inmates. Also, DLSA
provides legal services for access to justice right from pre-arrest, arrest to remand stage.
• Conduct various Legal awareness programs and dissemination of various NALSA’s Schemes.
• Organize National Lok Adalat.
• Implement Government Welfare Scheme.
• Assist victims of crimes, including domestic violence, trafficking, substance abuse, etc.
Contact information
• DLSA Office address: District & Sessions Court Complex, East Jaintia Hills District, Khliehriat.
“NALSA’s Toll Free Helpline No. 15100”